The Travails of A Moviegoer

Apologies to my loyal readers (all 5 of you) for the long delay between posts. I’ve spent the last 3 weeks working on my Ukraine report, a truly interesting country fraught with political turmoil and courage…just ask me anything you want to know!

Now back to some of my aimless observations...

I love movies and have more than 13 movie screens within a two block radius.  So… one Monday afternoon on the spur of the moment I went to a 1:30 showing of “The Big Short”. I always leave lots of time just in case the line is around the block (at 1:30 pm, what’s wrong with me?!). I wound up carefully choosing just the right seat in a very large and very empty movie theater at least a half hour before the gazillion trailers and previews were set to begin. At the start of the feature there were approximately 25 people in the entire theater, 3 of them scattered throughout my row. Amazingly a woman came in 10 minutes after the movie started and stopped to ask if the seat next to me was taken-no it wasn’t but neither were the other 400 empty seats in the theater(I didn’t say that out loud!). Sure enough she sat down right next to me and immediately started chomping away on a jumbo box of popcorn, after finishing the popcorn and annoying me for what seemed like forever, she proceeded to open and crunch away on a large box of M&M’s, THEN she  unwrapped and happily sucked on a lollipop (a grown woman, seriously, you can’t make this stuff up!). I found myself becoming fascinated by her sugar tolerance not focused on the movie.

OK, I know people are allowed to sit wherever they want and eat whatever they choose and you are probably asking yourself why didn’t I just get up and move… I have no idea!  Now I have to go back and see the movie when I can actually hear the dialogue!

Lessons learned:

  1. move immediately if an annoying eater sits down next to me
  2. bring extra coats and hats to leave on every seat in the immediate vicinity
  3. or wait for the movie to come out on Netflix!

7 thoughts on “The Travails of A Moviegoer

  1. I am sure I would rather read your blogs than your Ukraine Report. Thanks for keeping me so entertained.
    FYI: I saw the movie two times and still didn’t understand the dialogue, but the acting was wonderful.


  2. I want a report on both the movie and the Ukraine. That way we can “talk” about all the issues in your life.
    Should I go and see the movie? And will things ever change in the Ukraine?


  3. Hello, Florence. WordPress reports a click on your url from my blog yesterday (2/15). I cannot find you or your url anywhere on any of my recent posts, but WordPress is never wrong on such matters as stats, so I came over for a visit. A relative newbie, I see, but apparently a very interesting one, and within halloo-ing distance of my age. There’s a nice group of WP women bloggers in their sixties and seventies to augment your initial five followers, as you will sooner or later discover. Some of them comment on mine. Go check them out and they will return the favor.

    It gets easier (and you get more followers) the more you blog, the more you visit, the more you comment on other people’s blogs. Let me offer you a slightly belated welcome to WordPress. I hope you continue, and prosper!


  4. Oh my goodness. I feel you on this. I can’t stand when people sit right next to me in an uncrowded theater. Why oh why?!? I guess people are just drawn to you 🙂 And I often find myself thinking “Who in the world decided that popcorn would be the best food to serve at movie theaters?” It’s so annoyingly crunchy. One time I went to a theater that served vegetable snacks and wound up sitting next to someone chomping on carrots – carrots!!! Worst movie experience ever. PS – I feel so lucky to be reader number 6.


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