A Great Idea to Share

I wonder how many of us would have complained a few months ago  if we had been told that we could work from home in our sweats or pj’s, shop online and spend our evenings reading, listening to music and/or watching movies?
Frightened and over the top concerned for my family and friends I am trying to step back from the edge, follow the guidelines and, to quote my late husband, “find the lemonade”. Last night my grandson Eli managed to make a huge pitcher of that refreshing drink by organizing an online NYC family movie club. Eight of us will be watching the same movie Wednesday and participating in an on online discussion Thursday evening. The enthusiastic text responses with movie selection ideas and the serious thought put into organizing the format for the discussion (thank you Wendy) created a keen sense of connection and, to continue the metaphor, added lots of sugar to these days that seem filled with so many lemons!
Our movie group is sold out but you are invited to use Eli’s idea (okay Eli?) and start your own. It could be great for your mental health in these extremely difficult times.
Please stay home and stay healthy!
P.S. In case you were wondering, we chose Rear Window-seemed quite appropriate since we are all home-bound

A Few Messages From Bobby In The Lobby

Every Friday for the last ten years our Concierge Bobby, or as we lovingly call him Bobby-In-The- Lobby, has given out hand written notes of inspiration to a chosen few 🙂 Thinking that what brightened my day may do the same for you, I’m sharing three of his notes, plus three photos from my walk this morning.

P.S. Who would have guessed that the studio of a Master Violin Maker is hidden away in the basement of a brownstone on 65th & Central Park West!

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Another Sunday Smile

This evening  I Facetimed with my two adorable Chicago grandchildren. Milo, who will be nine years old tomorrow (YIKES, where did the time go?) became very worried about his NYC Nana after hearing the news about the corona virus and how dangerous it can be for “seniors”.  What did I do today he asked? I told him that I took a long walk in Central Park this morning then spent the rest of the day writing. With a puzzled look he asked why would I do that when all the cards and letters I send him already have good cursive?!  Told you this would make you smile!